Welcome to the Box24 store - a place where every modeler, from beginner to professional, can find everything he needs for his hobby. We have a wide variety of models, including cars, ships, aircraft, both military and civilian, as well as everything you need to assemble a model (paint, glue, primer, etc.) from well-known brands: Revell, Tamiya, Italeri, Heller, Fujimi, Aoshima, Cobi and others.

If you have any questions please drop a line or or call us and the answer will not keep you waiting.








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Seller details:
PE Nyshchyi Olexandr Petrovych
ID code 3179107634
c/a UA153034400000026005055538162 in PJSC CB "PRIVATBANK", MFO 303440
Address for letters: 10 Artseulova street, Lutsk, Ukraine
tel. +380666607445
Is a single tax payer